Balancing the Scales of Work and Study

Returning to school while working full-time may be a daunting prospect. Finding time to study, managing your workload, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can all be challenging. However, it is possible to work full-time and study.

Let’s say you are a registered nurse looking for new challenges and decide to take on one of the accredited online DNP programs at Wilkes University. This online, post-DNP master’s program is an educational experience designed to provide you with the necessary skills and the highest level of nursing expertise to work in a clinical setting or as a leader. A course such as this will require maximum attention, but you must remember your responsibilities at work. So, how do you strike a balance? These strategies and tips have been compiled to help you succeed in your studies and career.


The last thing you want to do is cram and write your essay the night before the deadline. Your university work necessitates complete engagement and concentration! Prioritizing and planning are your best defense against deadlines sneaking up on you. Use that lovely journal you purchased or write down your tasks and create a to-do list! Making an effort to keep track of your assignments will not only remind you to finish them on time, but will also provide you with a sense of accomplishment.

Workplace support

Seek support in your workplace. Your boss may be more accommodating than you think. Discuss your educational objectives, explain how they will benefit your current position, and inquire about any available assistance. Employer-funded training, study leave, flextime, job sharing or reduced hours are all options. Request permission to take annual leave in smaller increments to cover assignments, exams or practical training times.

Working hours

Your capacity determines the number of hours you choose to work each week. Most universities recommend working at most 15 hours per week, and some do not allow you to work during term time. Before making any commitments, think about how much time you have available. It isn’t easy to reverse a decision once you’ve made it, so don’t rush into it. Can you work on weekends? Do you only want to work during the week? Which days are you unable to work due to university obligations? How long do shifts last at your workplace?


Be realistic: you are not a superhuman with unlimited time to complete all of your tasks. Set priorities and plan your activities around deadlines and exam dates. Prioritize short-term assignments and give yourself enough time to complete your homework on time to avoid stress and last-minute work. Be productive, but remember that the day only has 24 hours, and it is necessary to sleep!


Working while studying can be an excellent idea for several reasons, including supporting yourself financially, gaining experience, and developing skills in preparation for life after university. However, you only get one chance at your degree, so follow the above guidelines to ensure that your studies do not suffer.

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