How to Take Care of Yourself While Working Remote

How to Take Care of Yourself While Working Remote

Since our homes have started doubling as our offices, it’s become a lot more difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. We often spend so much time stressing over work that we end up neglecting our personal needs.

So how can you start taking a bit more care of yourself now that you’ve gone remote? Read on to see all the ways that you can start practicing self-care from the comfort of your home.

You Probably Need A Change of Scenery

There was once a division between your home life and your work life. With remote work, that dividing barrier can be but a razor’s edge. Suddenly, not only does it feel like you’re on the clock 24/7, but that you’re inclined to be too.

A simple way to avoid burnout?

Switch up your setting. If you can, try setting up your workspace in a completely different area of your home. If you have the space, dedicate this area specifically for the purpose of being your work station. When you’re there, you’re working. When you’re not, you’re having a cocktail or taking some much needed “you time” in another area of the house.

Fall in Love With Your Workspace

While many of us used to work in cubicles, now we have the opportunity to create personalized workspaces. Transform your home office into your “happy place,” and soon you’ll start looking forward to logging on your computer.

Here are some simple ways to spruce up your workspace:

  • Add a Splash of Color – Bring color to your workspace through decor or a fresh coat of paint. Bonus tip: use shades of blue to promote tranquility, yellow to promote cheerfulness, and green to promote balance.
  • Bring in Flowers – Flowers are natural mood-lifters. Whether it’s their fragrant smell or vibrant colors, they have a way of inducing a peaceful ambiance. If you don’t know where to start, consider these Blooms by Heinau flowers—they last for over a year!
  • Include Your Own Personal Touch – No matter how you decide to decorate, make sure that you add your own flair. Your at-home workspace is an invitation to create a work environment that is unapologetically you.

Iron Out a Morning Routine

Routine? What’s routine? Do you remember those days when you had to wake up, get dressed, make your coffee, and then drive to your place of work? Well, we’re here to bring the best part of them back (hint: we’re talking about stability!).

By establishing and adhering to a morning routine, you help induce productivity. Use a Happy planner to iron out your morning workouts, coffee, and reading time. Not only will this help you “wake up naturally,” but it’ll also help you ease into your workflow.

Take Time to Relax and Treat Yourself

When the workday ends, you might be tempted to respond to just a couple more emails. Sure, it can wait until tomorrow. But. Must. Impress. Boss.

If that’s you, know that without the proper boundaries in place, your leisure time might dwindle and dwindle.

It’s important to know when to log off your computer and treat the hours spent at home as time after work. If you’re having a difficult time calming down after your workday, this CBDfx tincture can help promote relaxation. Who knows, taking CBD might become the part of your routine that creates the bridge from online to offline! If you’re looking for some other ways to relax after your workday, consider:

How to Take Care of Yourself While Working Remote

  • Enjoying a tasty dessert to reward yourself for a hard day’s work.
  • Grab your running shoes, put on your favorite playlist, and take a jog around the block. Exercise releases endorphins and it’s the perfect way to begin your wind down.
  • Make yourself a hot cup of this Tea Guys green tea. Not only does it taste delicious, but it’s great for your body and mind.

Find Your Balance

Working remotely is a big transition, so it might take some time before you start hitting your stride. However, by implementing these simple changes into your daily routine, you’ll quickly see just how easy it is to practice self-care while working from home!

Don’t let the remote work environment distract you from a healthy schedule. By setting boundaries, using natural remedies, and “switching it up” from time to time, you’ll reclaim your self-care regimen.

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