8 Tips for Creating Your Own Successful Customized Website

Tips to Create Website

While the tools and technologies for web development may have progressed astonishingly over the past few years, so have the elements that determine the success of a website. Ranging from visitor characteristics to site dynamics and evolving technology (especially mobile platforms), developing a well received website is no child’s play.

Creating a customized website allows you to stand uniquely amidst competition and provide products, services and solutions to customers in a fashion prioritized for user experience.Website development in Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other business hubs around the world is now booming with the surging trends in customized website experience.By adhering to these creative guidelines, you can develop a customized website that will boast performance and originality.

  • Choose Your Own Tool

Instead of relying on trends and choosing a tool based on their success, select the one which is most appropriate for your webpage development. While the trends might be favoring development on .NET for example, if your site requires simple delivering simple messages with feedback from blogs and on page content viewing then WordPress is the choice to go for.

  • Developing for Maximum UX

While the website should be developed from the user’s point of view and how to best facilitate them in their searches and functions, ease of the store management should also be kept in mind. When sales grow and the business expands, store admins should be able to automate the processes. For example, Magento 2 duplicate category greatly facilitates Magento 2 store managers to duplicate categories or subcategories with products in bulk in just a few clicks.  In a way, ease of store management directly or indirectly affects user experience.

  • Start from Scratch as Last Resort

Don’t go about reinventing the wheel when creating a website; there are numerous options which can be considered to both simplify and accelerate the process. Languages like Python, .NET and Haskell are there to get sites operational and CMSs such as Joomla, WordPress and Orchard are open source and at your disposal. The development is further aided with frameworks like MVC, JQuery Mobile and MVVM and by utilizing these options much of the webpage application can be developed without developing from scratch. They allow a high degree of customization within their options, which permit adaption as per site purpose and content.

  • Design Unique and Simple

Design is the fundamental aspect of a website and decides many elements, such as user perception, usability, functionality and UX. To achieve the best results, refrain from using free templates and overloading the page with many elements. Design uniquely with simplicity, which allows you to display important information and attract users towards it.

The homepage should be designed to provide answers to query being searched by visitor. If they do not find relevant information at first sight, they will most likely abandon site and search your competitors. Introduce your business by sharing contact details, business goals and what is being offered. By delivering within a concise design, the visitors can learn what they searched for and will stay on site for more searches.

  • Optimize for Mobile Platforms

As 80 percent of purchases are made from mobile platforms, it is imperative to design webpages from a mobile first approach rather than to suit large screens and monitors. Even Google has shifted towards a mobile first indexing approach which rates mobile optimized sites first. Use adjustable layouts and refrain from heavy formats such as flash and heavy graphics.

Adjust for button size, select layouts accordingly and choose features which are mobile friendly to optimize for the vast majority searching through mobile platforms. The design can be modified easily to suit larger screens and desktops and laptops as well, so it is advantageous to prioritize development from this perspective.

  • Reduce Loading Time

Use layouts and resources which are easy to load, since they will allow quick access to site pages and browsing. Visitors are impatient when it comes to loading time and if it exceeds 1 second, their train of through will be diverted and search will lose its focus oriented approach, which in turn will negatively affect conversion rate. Whenever integrating new components onto site or subjecting it to maintenance, take note of loading time for text, images and new pages to improve on it.

  • Design with Consistency

When developing a website, consistency is critical for maintaining a flow between pages and delivering content effectively. When integrating new modules and features, ensure that they follow the same syntax and theme as the rest of the site. Develop from a manner that allows users to browse the site without getting confused and create a layout which is applicable for the entire site.

  • Content Copy Wins

This phrase holds true in all aspects for every kind of website. If your development is spot on but content quality and delivery is not up to standards, then users will refrain from viewing it. Optimize it with headings, subheadings, paragraphing and viewing capable of cross platform adaptability. Ensure the quality is high and content is relevant to visitor query, otherwise they will shift to other websites.

Building Your Website the Right Way

Before diving into the process of website development, consider the factors mentioned and keep them mentally in sight to refrain from committing errors. While site development might seem like a complex task, it can become a surety bound process by adhering with these guidelines and developing to maximize UX and serve your niche effectively.

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