4 Ways to Maximize Customer Engagement On Your Website

There are several components that need to work in unison to increase your website’s visibility and credibility – One of which is user-engagement. Not only does it help in building your brand’s reputation and awareness among potential customers or clients, but it also improves your website’s ranking in Google SERPs.

Everything ties together perfectly with user-engagement, which is an essential aspect for any website aiming to bag customers. However, diverting traffic on to your website and retaining it for more than a few seconds is the real challenge. A report published by Kiss metrics indicated that nearly 96% of the people do not re-visit your website after their first visit.

In order to curb bounce rates, content marketing campaigns play a vital role in engaging customers, apart from having decent SEO measures in place along with seamless and attractive website design.

Considering your website offers specific value to the targeted audience and is mobile-friendly, you can apply the following strategies to increase user/customer-engagement on your site.

  1. Content Dominates, Especially the useful one

Learn from the best examples. Including a blog section on your website is one way to engage potential customers. This particular way could become the most fruitful, depending on the quality of your content.

According to the CMI (Content Marketing Institute), small businesses have benefitted a great deal through educational and useful blog content. Specifically, generating 126% more leads to blogs.

This is a staggering percentage, and this potion can work well for you too. Provide content that gives information, solves problems, and helps the audience in one way or another. This could even include informative tutorials and tips.

The more engaging your blog is, the more traffic it’ll generate through shares, and the more chances you have to ultimately divert their interest to your product, resulting in a conversion.

This brings us to our next strategy.

  1. Content Inception

The idea is to keep the user engaged for a more extended period of time on your website by suggesting relevant material on top of the one they are already immersed in. How to achieve this? By showing relevant content through a pop-up with a scroll trigger.

Not only will they find your website more useful and credible, but this will trigger conversion (most likely). Hence, producing quality content should be an utmost priority for maximizing user engagement.

  1. Live Chat Option 

Nothing beats being catered to personally, even on a website. Add a chatbox on to your website, that users can engage with whenever they have queries. FAQs only help so much, and not every customer interacting with your website is an avid reader or fond of emails. Some just want readily available customer service, that they can speak to in real-time.

This chat box is an essential component that could help in securing customer’s second visit and then evident conversion to profit.

  1. Add Survey Options (Polls and Quizzes) 

Polls and quizzes help you gauge your audience type. However, depending on your business’s requirements at the time, you can add a survey according to it.

All in all, these survey polls and quizzes will increase customer engagement, retention, and give you an insight into their motives and requirements. This is what analytics tool does not provide.

Where to add these polls and how to make them visible enough for engagement? Simply add them on the homepage of your website, or at a certain point of a customer’s interaction with your site, send a pop-up asking for details. These details can include their interest in your website and how they came to know about your website, so on, and so forth.

The best polls and quizzes are the ones with multiple options as answers to select from. Any survey that is quick and with the right options is less time consuming and doesn’t lose user’s focus from your business site.

Since a website is your business’ online presence, it’s vital that you first build an optimized and fully-functional website from a reputable Professional software development companies Then, once populated with the important aspects of your brand, you can start adding these strategies for maximum and positive user engagement.

Reports suggest that engaged customers can increase the order size from 5% to a whopping 85%, up-sell revenue from 13% to 51%, and cross-sell revenue by 22%. So be sure to take these four strategies to the workstation and see which one you can bank on.

Author Bio:

Zubair is a digital enthusiast who loves to write on various trends, including Tech, Software Development, AI, and Personal Development. He is a passionate blogger and loves to read and write. He currently works at Custom Mobile app development companies that offers top-notch Mobile app development services to clients across the globe.

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