Why quality printed business cards matter for you?

If you own a business, no matter how big or small, you have an effort dedicated to marketing your service or product. The most ancient form of such marketing was to exchange business cards! The business cards were initially exchanged in London as a map because the streets weren’t numbered in the era. As these proved to be a great tool to spread the word about your business, they were popularized in all parts of the world. Business cards are essentially a small piece of paper that has details about you and your work printed or written on it. They usually also contain information in case anyone wants to reach you. The traditional cards were modernized with time and new printing businesses dedicated to this service have since come up.

They make an effective first impression

As the saying goes ‘The first impression is the last impression’, it is very important that you have a lasting impact when meeting someone for the first time. You have to take the opportunity count. You can choose or influence how someone perceives you or your business as this small card is quite representative of you. The business cards can often be the reason you bag a deal over someone else as they are quite creative or how the presented your business effectively in a minimalistic manner. Modern-day graphic designers and business card printers have wide-ranging options to help you design a business card that impersonates your business and aptly represents you.

Tried and tested marketing tool

In an era where marketing is turning digital by the minute, business cards give a personal touch. Asking someone to follow your business on social media or getting in touch via a direct message seems much more unprofessional than handing out business cards finely printed on high-quality paper. The look and feel of the card give away a vibe that is unmatchable to the posts uploaded on social media. If the business card is printed on high-quality paper you are guaranteed that it will be passed around like wildfire because of the touch and feel of the paper. Business cards are a gift that keeps giving. They continue to bring in customers every year and hence the businesses keep handing out business cards. You can have business cards with an edgy touch like a dazzling design or magnet printing that would allow recipients can put your card on metallic surfaces, like their fridge.

How to design a business card?

Firstly a business card should never be overstuffed with information. If you leave no white space whatsoever, the card looks hideous no matter how high the quality of the paper is. It is always best to coordinate your card with the color theme of your business or print your logo on it as a background. Keep the business cards as minimalistic as possible. Include all the necessary contact information but leave out the clutter so that it looks impressive. If you can recall, Mark Zuckerberg’s business card initially read I’m  CEO, Bitch” with the facebook logo on the other side of the card. It was the talk of the town due to its massive impact despite the sheer simplicity and minimalism on the card. This goes to show that when you make the correct effort and print your thoughts on a nice quality sheet of paper, the arrogance turns into a confident attitude.

Let the business card speak for you

Appoint a good graphic designer and printing service and get your professional profile a boost by designing an uber-cool business card that describes you and your business perfectly. Make the texture of the card such that your card can be easily differentiated from the others. Use rich quality paper for the card which can resist damage and make your card last longer, at the same time ensure that the card isn’t extremely thick and weighty such that it troubles the carrier. When you are paying for an ad on radio or television they are bound to last for no more than 30 seconds whereas handing out a business card is a physical reminder of your product or service and the recipient can reach out for it whenever need be. When you go for a meeting or socialize in any form identify if the place is apt for your target audience. If yes, ask the facility to store some of your cards and hand out to your demographic audience.

Choose the designer wisely

Lastly, I would like to suggest that you should choose the graphic designer wisely and make sure that he understands the concept that you have in your head. Give him the creative freedom to come up with something for the business card. If you are capable of handling the designing part yourself you can plan your budget accordingly and spend more to improve the physical quality of the card and get it printed in the fanciest manner.

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