Why is it a good idea to start your e-commerce site with a Coming Soon page?

The shiny glossy stepping stone of good modern eCommerce business lies in the wise usage of the provided tools, or in this case – Coming Soon page or plugin.

When speaking about new business, there is nothing more thrilling and rewarding than starting from scratch and watching it grow. Internet made it possible for everyone who have good ideas (or not, for that matter) to start their business even without any initial investment. However, statistics say that almost 80% of these start-ups fail after just couple of months of unsuccessful business doing.

However, when it comes to online retail, those that prevail usually had a good starting ground. For those of you who think that good foothold must be a hefty investment, you are poorly mistaken. The shiny glossy stepping stone of good modern eCommerce business lies in the wise usage of the provided tools, or in this case – Coming Soon page or plugin.

eCommerce – the booming business of today

Online retail or eCommerce is certainly one of the most popular ways to start a business among fresh-faced entrepreneurs. The internet offers free marketing, the fastest way and most efficient means of connecting with potential customers allover the globe. With a proper eCommerce website, you have the ability to showcase a full range of your products or services much quicker than you ever could with a brick and mortar store.

Furthermore, your e-commerce website makes your store available for business 24/7, so you don’t have to sign paychecks for night shift employees. With an eCommerce store you also don’t have to open any new locations or warehouse spaces, because all of your business is online. The shopping experience you offer via eCommerce store can reach customers virtually everywhere, which ultimately enables you to build your reputation and grow on the market.

So now that we’ve established why founding an eCommerce website is beneficial and altogether awesome, one logical question arises – why do must fail? When marketing experts started examining this issue it turned out that most young start-ups are very focused on their product from the mere beginning, which could be an issue. To better understand this, we can draw a parallel to literally ANYTHING done online.

Take for example successful YouTubers. If you ask them what made them so huge and help them monetize their channels, they will at first give you the usual rubbish about “being yourself” and “shooting for the stars”. However, if you push the issue a bit further, most of them will tell you that one major part of building online success lies in garnering clout.

Just check out the numbers on Tati Westbrook’s channel after the whole James Charles thing blew over, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. To clarify, I don’t mean “clout” as in banging someone on the noggin, I mean “clout” defined by the Urban Dictionary as – “being famous and having influence”. In other words, creating clout around your product or service, is a job half done when it comes to successful online business. I mean, if it weren’t true, would Cardi B, the realest of ‘em all, rap about it?…

Creating clout and gaining traction

At this point you are probably wondering, dahell am I rambling on about, but please bear with me on this one. See, making clout might sound ridiculous when it comes to an eCommerce website, but the reason most fail is the fact that no one even hears about them. On the other hand, those that do hear about them, usually forget it after 2 minutes because the commercial or the page they saw was ineffective and bleak.

On the same note, according to several researches our attention span keeps drastically decreasing. In 2000. average attention span was 12 seconds, while now is somewhere around 8.25 seconds. To put everything even more into perspective, average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. Needless to say, this puts you’re a huge challenge in front of your eCommerce business. The trick lies in using effective methods to establish your brand before it is even out. Luckily, with responsive and intuitive tools the digital age offers, creating a proper niche for your product has never been easier.

Before you even start contemplating how your eCommerce website will look, and whether you will go for a subtle or flashy approach, you should find the tool that will help you grow in utero. And, no, I’m not referencing Nirvana on purpose, I’m just trying to make this explanation more “plastic” for everyone to understand.

Basically, you need for your product to develop and expand before it is born. This is done with responsive Coming Soon, Under Construction or Maintenance pages and plugins. Of course, once the necessity arises, the market will respond accordingly – with couple of good answers and loads of duds. There is a large variety of useless coming soon templates out there, and the difference between a good coming soon page and a lousy one, could mean a difference between a successful eCommerce site and a failed one that you would have to reset.

Luckily, we are here to help you make a wise choice that will help your business flourish, and with the help of tools such as UnderConstructionPage and Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin flourishing business was never easier to create.

Undeniable magic of WordPress

In order to start anything, you have to determine your focus, and in this article, we will mainly focus on eCommerce websites operating through WordPress. There are plenty of reasons to do so, the main one being the fact that almost 40% of all online shops are running through WordPress.

WordPress is a true eCommerce powerhouse for multiple reasons and we will only touch on a couple of them, just to gain a better perspective of things. WordPress is very easy to navigate so it is suitable for both novice users and skilled professionals. It is rich with when it comes to features, which allows you to customize it and get the look you were going for. In addition to that, it has an array of plugins you can install, that will benefit your business and online presence on multiple levels. Lastly, a large number of these plugins is free or at least very affordable.

Fortunately for all of you budding entrepreneurs out there, this terrific free website also allows you to solve the issue of cloutmaking (yes, I’ve just created a word, sue me Merriam-Webster). In the following couple of paragraphs, we will be chatting about what should a good coming soon page do, and why UnderConstructionPage and Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugins are at the top of the game.

Starting early

Before you even start with mass production or any production at all, you will want to install a good coming soon plugin and activate it so you can gain some traction early on. This might sound somewhat premature, but any successful entrepreneur will tell you that the business starts immediately after the idea has been clearly formed in your mind.

So, before you materialize the idea, you should put it into motion by creating an online presence. Good coming soon plugin will keep internet users aware of your existence, help you create traffic, gain followers, and give the visitors some basic info and ultimately… you’ve guessed – create clout.

Why UnderConstructionPage plugin?

UnderConstructionPage plugin, for example, will do all that and help you built sales pages, under construction pages, maintenance pages and landing pages. While you are busy working on developing your idea, UnderConstructionPage will gather data and followings which will be of crucial importance for the growth of your upcoming eCommerce website.

Firstly, you will be able to pick your own theme, add title, description and content. This can be rather significant as it can determine the light in which you represent your future business to your audience. Data gathering is done through a special feature called the Optin Box. Through this particular option, UnderConstructionPage collects lead and followers. On the same note, this plugin also has integrated MailOptin that links it to MailChimp and a variety of auto responder services, which allows you to gather emails without any fuss. In short, with UnderConstructionPage plugin you will get the much-needed head start before you do a full-dive into the market.

Why Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin?

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin is considered to be one of the best plugins of its kind for many reasons. It offers more than 100 different themes and over 1 million free images, which will make it easy for you to create a perfect page to fuel some buzz and shine some light on your upcoming eCommerce site.

To make customization process even more fun, this awesome plugin also has Instagram inspired filters that will enable you to further spiff up and embellish your pics. Furthermore, Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin will allow a variety of customization, which will help your creativity show. Despite all of this, the plugin manages to stay user friendly and it is perfectly fit for both amateurs and tech savvy folks.

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin is also intuitive and has built-in guidelines and tests that will put you on top of the search engine results. It also supports your webinar, CRM, marketing software and autoresponder, so it will effortlessly add a large number of followers into them. Needless to say, Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin will help you gain much needed popularity and you will also be awarded with one easy-to-handle, rich and powerful interface.

Is that all I need to know for my eCommerce store to work?

No, of course not. However, if you are adamant on building a proper eCommerce website, these two plugins are the way to start. Your coming soon page will do a huge job for you, but if you get lazy with building your eCommerce website- don’t expect miracles.

Successfully running eCommerce website utilizes the latest technology news in showing your products and services and inviting your customers to action. You will have to devote your time and energy to create your website to best highlight the features of your products and you will have to update it on regular basis, include promotions, new services, ideas and attention-grabbing subscription offers, etc. there is also a variety of less obvious matters, like developing merchant services for different forms of payment, updating privacy policy so it suits everyone’s best interests, and much more. eCommerce business is one helluva lucrative, but also demanding field. Needless to say, you will need all the help you can get, and the best help you can get is a responsive coming soon page.

Whether you go for UnderConstructionPage or Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin is a matter of personal preference, but whichever you choose – you won’t regret it.

It’s like the famous meme says – “the grind never stops”

Building a successful eCommerce store will take time and some serious work, but first of all – an idea. Once you have your idea, with a good coming soon page to work for you – you are on a roll.

Most start with choosing a brand name, making product listings and initial selling online, and most fail. Even the best and most innovative ideas will sometimes flop if your website isn’t gaining traction and if you are not driving enough useful traffic to your site.

So let your coming soon page build your online persona and garner traffic while you devote your attention to building your eCommerce store. Research the basics of the business, make your marketing strategy, work on bettering your product or service to make it irresistible to your future customers and clients. Keep in mind that everything takes time and that there isn’t a single business structure that will work for everyone.

Once you find your business model, stick to it and don’t let your eCommerce store go haywire like so many do. Maintain your focus, and strive to develop and offer quality, rather than quantity. Do all of this, while UnderConstructionPage or Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin work for you.

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