7 Smart Techniques to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate

One of the biggest conversion killers is having a high bounce rate. If most users are abandoning as soon as they land on it, then it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to convert them into prospective customers and subscribers.

It can be a bit frustrating and costly, especially if you’ve already invested a lot of time and money on paid ads and SEO to drive in traffic to your site

You don’t want all that hard work to go into waste when a user visits your site, do you?

What is Bounce Rate?

Let’s first define what a bounce rate is. A bounce rate is the percentage of users that lands on your site and then decides to leave without going through the second page. 

Higher bounce rates mean that you’re unable to convince a user to stay or act upon your call-to-action (CTA).

Now, we’ll move on to the smart techniques that you can utilize to reduce your bounce rates. 

1. Prioritize user experience

User experience is the overall feeling a user has when they interact on your site. 

An excellent user experience is where a user not only comes across a site. He also finds your website pleasing and easy to use. 

The first step that you need to take is to come up with a usable site that looks excellent in all platforms and devices. Also, keep an eye on how users behave and what are the things that influence their actions. 

Remember that it’s the overall feeling a user has on your site, so every element is part of the user experience. Also, check out these best practices that will take your site to the next level.

2. Avoid irrelevant popups

After you’ve managed to make a visitor stay on your site and engage them with your content, don’t do anything that might interrupt that.

If possible, keep your pop-ups to a bare minimum. Those pop-up ads. like interruptions to speak with a live chat representative or signing up to your email list, can all turn-off users in just a matter of seconds. 

Let them use your site for its primary purpose, and that is to consume a highly informative, engaging, and well-organized information. 

3. Improve your site’s loading speed

Users will make their mind up about a site in just a matter of seconds. The last thing that you want to happen is to show them with a blank page that’s still downloading content and loading scripts. 

To improve your site speed you must optimize your images, use better caching, utilize a Content Delivery Network, and switch to a faster hosting provider. 

You can also use tools like Google Page Speed and Pingdom to help optimize your site’s landing pages. 

4. Make “search bar” visible

A lot of sites completely neglect site search functionality. Let’s say, a user is looking for something specific in your site, and do not immediately see it on your page. A search bar is a vital tool that they can use to search for information, instead of leaving your site completely.

Your site’s theme and template matters as well. Check out this extensive collection of premium themes and templates

5. Use videos and images 

Images and videos are powerful tools that could help reduce your bounce rates. You can buy professional photographs from different stock photography sites. Some sites offer royalty images, too. Utilize them next to your call-to-action, background slides, fullscreen backgrounds, and more. Videos are equally as powerful as well. You can use music, animation, audio, colors, and more. 

6. Do not forget to include CTA

 After you’ve gotten your audience’s attention with your headline and engaged them with your content, you have to encourage them to take action with a strong CTA. 

Your goal is to make every site visitor to buy, or at least think about buying.

So, ensure that you have a compelling CTA. A CTA that entices the users to click and see what’s on the other side. 

Keep in mind that every element matters when it comes to optimizing your CTA. Even a seemingly small detail like changing the color of the text in your button can already make a significant difference. 

It leads users to your resource page and therefore decreases your bounce rate. 

7. Practice internal linking

When you pick internal links, focus on the relevance, and have a strong linking strategy. This includes redirect WordPress content in case you have updated it or moved it to a new section on your website.

Don’t internally link every single article that’s present in your archive. Instead, concentrate on linking useful pages and articles that are relevant and useful to your visitors.

Over to You

There you have it. Hopefully, this article has given you helpful tips on how you can decrease your bounce rates and boost your site conversions. You need to optimize your site so that you can avoid high bounce rates.

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