7 Reasons why you should switch to a traditional SMS marketing channel

Short Message Service (SMS) has changed the way we used to communicate with each other. With the growing use of phones, the businesses have discovered the power of the text marketing. Even various businesses of all sizes and structures have powerfully integrated the SMS marketing tactics into a huge marketing strategy. There is even SMS marketing software available from places like Tatango to help compose, send and track the results of these messages.

The text SMS marketing has become an essential part of a multi-channel marketing strategy for businesses, which can be used for lead generation too. Also, the businesses have successfully implemented the text SMS strategy in engaging the customers throughout the buying process.

With this post, we are going to summarize the key benefits of using SMS as a part of your effective marketing strategy. Below we have elaborated on 7 reasons why you should switch to a traditional SMS marketing channel.

  • SMS marketing is Great due to its direct and immediate delivery.

SMS marketing is first pick of your marketers cause of its immediate open rate and among all sent message of most of the messages are read within 10 seconds which is higher compared to all available marketing channels. Also, more than 40% of the SMS marketing campaigns turn out to be a great ROI generator. Cause it boosts communication with consumers that results in immediate shopping and purchase. With this marketing, strategy businesses can have a long meaningful relationship with their consumers. That’s why many store owners send Order updates on SMS, to deliver important notification.

  • SMS marketing has the highest open rate of all other marketing channels

According to IDC data, more than 60% of the smartphone users check their phones within 5 minutes of waking up which sums up the fact that the messages have the highest open rate than all other channels like Email and Direct mail. Having 90% open rate for the sent messages, the businesses don’t have to put much effort into creating great and lucrative headlines or subject lines of Emails for customers to open and read.

  • Short and branded links can be included in messages to increase conversion rate

SMS marketing has the flexibility to add short and branded links to the messages being sent.  The open rate of these links is 10X times more than link open rate of Emails. And, more than 18 million text messages are being sent per minute yes! per minute worldwide. This generates more CTR of the links being sent with those SMS and helps boost the ROI and conversion rate of the whole campaign. To leverage benefits of this open rate, sending bulk SMS to your customers by integrating SMS Notification Pro Extension is more reliable, trusted and great way to notify about marketing offers.

  • Customer feedback can be very quick through SMS marketing

The feedback data from consumers are more important for any business. The data collected through feedback and surveys can help to improve the products. Also, they help understand and learn better about the latest market trends customers like and don’t like.

Businesses have initiated the use of text messages as a way of getting feedback. The average customer’s response time is below 6 minutes to SMS and as per research, more than 30% of the consumers respond to the feedback and survey requests.

  • SMS marketers don’t have to deal with Spam filters

The best thing about SMS marketing is that you don’t have to worry about them ending up in spam because they don’t. While in email marketers have to be very cautious about spam filters because most of the Emails end up in the spam folders of the receiver.

  • Customer’s response rate is very high and can be tracked and monitored

The customer response rate is also very high compared with the Email response rate. Most of the customer’s responses within 90 seconds of getting the text SMS while the average Email response time is between 60-90 minutes. This is because most people don’t like to read the long text Email and read the short text messages which consumes less time. Which makes text SMS as great to offer the time-sensitive and participation heavy offers such as content, time and supply limited sales and event registrations.

  • SMS is the most preferred channel by people for getting support and business

More than 50% of the people use SMS for getting support. And most of those are millennials as they don’t like the idea of calling customer representatives to solve their queries. With the help of this, most common queries like payment confirmation, product availability, order status can be resolved within minutes without having to wait for a customer representative to pick your call.

Also, the majority of people choose texting for business purposes. People now mix business with pleasure when using mobile, they have a habit of texting and getting SMS texts for all purposes. It is now customary for them to get reminders for their appointments, meetings, shopping, and all other kinds.


SMS marketing strategy is a great way to engage the customers in your business. With their high open and response rate, the conversion rate is on the rise. However, you can also try for WhatsApp Order Notification for your Online store as after SMS it contacts much higher rate as well as serves personalized touch.

Now more and more businesses have been using SMS marketing which helps them promote the numerous promotional offers with ease. This marketing strategy is most beneficial for small businesses as they can improve customer acquisition and retention process with the right SMS service provider.

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