Healthy Alternatives to HFCS

High fructose corn syrup of HFCS started to become popular in the 1980’s as an alternative to sugar. HFCS is known for its extended shelf life, making it a quite popular ingredient in various food-making industries. It’s used in various processed foods, including breakfast cereals, ketchup, salad dressing and soda. When you read the food labels, it can be quite surprising to know that HFCS is used in so many types of food. Mayo Clinic stated that HFCS is the leading ingredient in soda, after the carbonated water. Regular intake of HFCS could significantly increase the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. HFCS also contributes to higher incidence of tooth decay among children and adults. In fact, a glass of soda could completely dissolve the tooth of a baby.

HFCS is also used frequently in energy drinks and it’s often disguised as crystalline fructose. So, if you read something like this in the ingredient list, then it’s quite likely HFCS. USDA discovered that HFCS shortened the life lab mice from the usual two years to just five weeks. You can actually assume that HFCS is among the most prevalent, legalized poison in the food industry that kills us slowly. So, it is important to start reducing HFCS intake in your daily diet. The easiest way to do that is by reducing the consumption of food that contains HFCS. You should also use alternative sweeteners that are healthier, such as agave nectar, birch-derived xylitol, raw unprocessed honey, yacon and especially, stevia. You can also add fresh fruits in your desserts or snacks to add some natural sweetness.

  • Yacon syrup: Yacon syrup is made from freshly pressed yacon root. The syrup is a low calorie sweetener, which is organic and raw. Natives in the Andean highlands have used yacon syrup for centuries. Other than being far less harmful than HFCS and plain sugar, yacon syrup is also good for your digestion. Yacon syrup could help in regulating the natural intestinal flora in your digestion system.
  • Stevia: Strict control of your sugar intake is essential in any healthy diet. Stevia is an excellent alternative, because it doesn’t contain any glucose at all. The plant provides a pseudo sweetness sensation and it is native to the Andes mountainous area in South America. Stevia is ideal for people who are on non glycemic healing diet. Stevia is available in powder, concentrated liquid and fresh herb. Stevia can be used for tea, coffee, baked goods, desserts, salad dressings and superfood smoothies.
  • Agave: Agave taste like a cross between maple syrup and honey. It easily dissolves in liquid and can enhance anything that you eat. Agave syrup is made by pressing the agave plant. The light colored syrup is heated and hydrolyzed, so it can be usable in a more concentrated form.
  • Xylitol: Xylitol feels, tastes and looks just like sugar. Xylitol is essentially alcohol sugar instead of normal sugar. As a five-carbon substance, xylitol is less prone to microbial growth, while typical six-carbon sugar may encourage the spread of bacteria and fungi.
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