How to Use Social Media to Recruit Great Employees

These days, a business without a social media presence is kind of like a car without wheels: going nowhere fast. We all know how important social media is as a marketing tool, but sometimes, we forget what the purpose of marketing is. Yes, it’s to promote your brand, your company identity, and your product to consumers. But it’s also to promote those things to future employees.

Being successful isn’t just about making a lot of sales; it’s also about attracting the kind of energized and ambitious workforce that can help you make even more sales.

Learn the ABCs of ATS

Before anything else, it’s important that you go into social media-based recruiting fully prepared and well-armed. Even with all the advantages social media platforms provide, it all amounts to much ado about nothing without good ATS systems working behind the scenes. There are a lot of social media sites out there, each with its own user base and functionality. If you want to make proper use of all the tools at your disposal, ATS is essential.

ATS, or Applicant Tracking Software, helps companies big and small streamline the hiring process by organizing hiring data and analytics in a way that’s easy to access and understand. ATS can also be used to automate functions, including job postings made on social media sites, producing statistics showing which social media apps are producing the best results, and generally helping to oversee your social media strategy and recruitment workflow.

Get Involved, Get Active

Too many businesses view social media as something their PR department is solely responsible for. Similarly, too many businesses view recruitment as something their hiring team is solely responsible for. Just like social media, though, today’s business landscape is all about making—and maintaining—connections. If your business isn’t connected as a team that will show in your company’s social media presence. If that happens, the most motivated, educated, and technically savvy job-seekers aren’t likely to take you seriously.

Social media isn’t just a side hustle anymore; it’s the main event. Put as much effort into your social media presence as you would any other aspect of your business. Engage directly with online users, with fans, customers, and potential recruits. Encourage employees from every department to share job openings, as well as their own experiences, via their social media accounts. After all, the best way of recruiting new employees is by making sure the ones you already have are happy… and then making sure everyone else knows it.

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