Business Expenses You Can’t Ignore When You Open a Physical Storefront

Opening a business can be an intense task, especially if it’s your first attempt. Though many business owners jump right in and open a physical storefront, usually starting from scratch, many choose to start small.

If you’ve been working out of your home office trying to establish yourself in the business world, or if you’ve been operating an exclusively online store, making the transition to a physical brick-and-mortar storefront can be a bit of a challenge at first.

Though you might have calculated all of your foreseen expenses, you can ask any veteran business owner and they will tell you that you cannot predict or foresee every expense.

There are numerous moving parts to opening a physical location, and some expenses might not be initially realized until after you’ve opened your doors. In this post, we’ll discuss a few expenses which you might not have planned for, but you cannot ignore either.


Believe it or not, office furniture is one of the most overlooked business expenses when a novice business owner opens an establishment. And it’s one expense that is considered absolutely necessary, especially if you have employees, or if you’re developing an office environment.

Your customers might also need a place to sit and wait, depending on the type of services you’re offering, of course. As such, you’re going to want to have furniture available which allows for your patrons to sit in comfort. And, this is one area where quality is key, and this will give customers an impression of who you are and the type of business that you run.

In addition to furniture for customers, you or your employees will also need a place to sit. Office chairs, couches, workstation tables, and desks are all going to be among the items that you’ll need to consider before you open your doors to the public.

Building Inspections

Another often overlooked expense is a building inspection. Initially, you’ll want to have your physical location inspected for potential hazards and for safety compliance reasons.

When you lease or buy a commercial space, there are laws that govern the spaces in which you hold your business affairs. These laws, codes, and ordinances all have to be complied with, and they can include everything from electrical work to plumbing.

For example, if you’ve leased or purchased an older building, you’re going to want to get it checked for asbestos. And if this hazardous material is present, you’re going to need to remove it.

Asbestos is a known cause of the aggressive cancer, mesothelioma. When a person inhales or ingests asbestos fibers, they cause inflammation of mesothelial cells, and over time tumors can develop. In fact, many who suffer from mesothelioma are filing lawsuits due to asbestos exposure.


Another expense often overlooked regards the security of your premises. While some commercial locations provide security guards, or some sort of patrol, many do not.

When it comes to a business, you really need to view your physical location as an extension of your home. After all, this is your livelihood and you want to keep it protected at all costs. As such, many new business owners don’t take into consideration the equipment needed in order to properly secure a location.

Secure doors, a security system, and cameras with recording devices, and perhaps even a safe of some sort are all necessary when it comes to securing your physical location from would-be thieves or vandals.

If you value your business, with all this being said it’s vital to your business success that you take security into consideration prior to opening your doors to the public.

Every business owner looks forward to the day when they can raise their sign and invite customers in to do business. And if you’re looking to expand and grow your business to its fullest potential, you really need to think outside the box and consider all expenses that you might have to come up with prior to opening your doors to your customers.

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