How An Emergency Kit Can Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe

How An Emergency Kit Can Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe

While natural disasters seem rare they are quite common. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and any other natural disaster can hit hard and leave a long-lasting impact for years to come. This is why you should be prepared. You should have a plan in case of an emergency. And one way to do that is by incorporating an emergency preparedness kit into your home.

On August 23, 2005, the now infamous and brutal hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. It changed the city indefinitely. The hurricane left many people dead and some lost everything in its wake. While the city of New Orleans did give its citizens fair warning, many decided to stay to protect everything they own. Katrina was not only brutal but it left many without power for up to a few weeks. Those citizens that lived in the area were well aware of what a hurricane can destroy and used kits made for disasters in their home. 

Considering hurricanes can destroy entire cities it is vital to find ways to get prepared. Unfortunately, only 30 percent of Americans have an emergency preparedness kit in their homes and there should be more for the simple fact that it could save lives and could potentially cure boredom.

When creating an emergency preparedness kit, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure you have a bunch of first-aid materials. These can range from band-aids to gauze or ointment to prevent infection. First aid materials are not only crucial but they could save a life. In the event of a catastrophic natural disaster, you could potentially lose power and the roadways could be obstructed. Those that got hurt, may not get an ambulance for quite some time due to all the obstacles. Stopping a wounded from bleeding helps in more ways than one.

Feeling bored can be a nightmare and especially during a natural disaster. If your power has gone out and have no idea when it will go back on, you could go mad with boredom. We do take power for granted once it goes away. Be sure to personalize your kits to help you pass the time. A great idea would also be to add a crank radio so you can make contact with the outside world and figure out the next steps.

The Importance of Food and Water

Adding food or water could also help in a very big way. When the power goes out in your home, you may have to deal with spoiled food in the fridge. It may be difficult to go out to the grocery store due to unforeseen circumstances. Having that extra bottled water or snack could help you comfortably survive.

No one wants to think about what they would do in the event of an emergency. It is hard to go from worldly comforts to a natural disaster but it’s something that people have to deal with. Making sure your cover all your bases could save you from heartache and pain. Be sure to touch base with your family and loved ones and come up with a plan to keep you safe and free from boredom. Ask them what they like to do in their spare time.  Coloring books and puzzles are a great way to pass the time for example. The good thing about people is the fact that we are resilient and reliant on one another. So even if a storm does occur, it is safe to say that if you are prepared you could potentially save a life.

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