6 Businesses You Can Start In 2020 And Be An Entrepreneur

6 Businesses You Can Start In 2020 And Be An Entrepreneur

Were you hoping to start your career as an entrepreneur in 2020? Although 2020 had a few unseen scenarios, your dream of starting your own business doesn’t have to be forgotten. Despite the tough times, there are several businesses, solo entrepreneurs and startups that are changing their approach to be more future-ready.

For those looking to start a business of their own, the choices today are better than ever before. With government schemes, small-business funding, and even short term £500 loan options available, the risks of entrepreneurship still exist. But with many opportunities to get you back on track and help you get the right start, this is time better than ever before!

Customer buying patterns are changing. Nowadays, they don’t just look at brand names; they are also looking for value and quality, which if provided, can turn them to you for a lifetime. So if you are passionate about creating a business empire of your own, here are a few business ideas you can explore in 2020:

Online Courses And Coaching

The world is going digital, and many of the older habits have already been transformed into a digital lifestyle. But the growing trend in the market right now is that of online learning, mentorship and coaching. This is why many working professionals and those who wish to learn new skills but have limited time are turning to online learning.

So if you have the right skill sets or want to set up your own academy to share your knowledge with the world, online courses are the way to go. While business courses and online degrees are now being offered, there is still a huge gap for those seeking to learn new skills like music, art, painting, and other creative talents. So set up your online profile to market your skills and get your interested audiences to take up online learning to grow with you!

6 Businesses You Can Start In 2020 And Be An Entrepreneur

Digital Marketing

The rising population of online users is going to impact the way businesses market, and a lot of people are today looking for digital marketing agencies and experts. Digital marketing includes everything that a business can do to market their products or services online; be it a website, social media platforms or other portals. If you have the expertise to help others create and grow their online reach, your business has an excellent scope for success.

So get in touch with several businesses who need this now more than ever before, and create your digital marketing enterprise! For starting in this field, you’ll need a solid foundation in digital marketing, marketing analytics and all kinds of social media marketing.

Amazon Reseller Or Affiliate Marketing

Do you have a successful platform of your own on Youtube or a great blog? If yes, affiliate marketing can be the new arena for your passive income. Amazon resellers or affiliate marketers usually suggest products or services to others through their influence network. If the reader clicks on the link you’ve shared and buys from the online seller (Amazon or others who allow affiliate links), you will be making a percentage of the cut.

Affiliate marketing is mainly like sales, and each sale that is made through you get you a percentage of the profits. So start spreading your influence in your niche market and support products that are helpful to your followers. This way, you help other businesses and make money yourself!

Design And Development

Are you great at programming, design or development? If yes, you can run a successful business creating products, designs, websites and more for your customers. With the rise in online and print marketing, enterprises need designers to create amazing creatives for their marketing be it for their website, social media or print media.

Meanwhile, the rise in technology options like AI, machine learning, Big Data, Cloud and multiple new programming languages has made it necessary for companies to create their own products. The outsourcing of development and feature building for app development, websites, software solutions or other purposes is increasing, and this is great if you are an expert in innovative technology adoption and programming.

6 Businesses You Can Start In 2020 And Be An Entrepreneur

Investment Consultant

Are you good with money and can make reliable recommendations for helping others manage their investments? With the right foundation, those with a piece of sound financial knowledge can help others manage their assets, create a portfolio and make money helping others make money!

There are several online investment platforms now in the market, and while that is enabling people to invest easily, many still need guidance and advice. An investment consultancy is a great way to help other entrepreneurs, startups and individuals with their finances and investments.

Online Delivery And Logistics

As people’s lifestyle becomes hectic and fast-paced, there are several essential services like grocery, food and even shopping that is now entirely online. Every business is currently looking to adopt a more digital process, allowing its customers to get products or services at the click of a button. Online delivery and home-based services are thus a growing market.

Not just delivery, there is a rising market for home servicing that could include grooming, coaching, repairs and maintenance, transport, and a list of other requirements. If you are aware of several traditional businesses that need help managing a digital business process, your skills are going to be a big hit!

To Conclude

With the world being more digital and connected, several enterprising options are opening up. The chances of success are all about how well you can cater to your customer’s needs. While this is a great time to start a business, getting credit and funding has been improved significantly as well. Just explore the several business funding options that are ideal for you and let your dreams take flight!

To understand where you stand and the financial products that you are eligible for, you should check your financial score yourself. Understand your credit score and see where you stand with the experian credit score range. Once you know your credit score, you can make applications at the right places and get the best loans with low interest and other features!

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