3 Ways to Improve Business Productivity

Business productivity is the measurable output of a company. This can be computed using numbers like total costs, total sales revenue, the amount of time taken to accomplish tasks, and other quantifiable ways. It can also be measured as a product of employee productivity using non-quantitative methods like surveys.

Regardless of the tool that a company uses to measure its productivity, one thing is certain. If employees are not productive, the company will not be productive either. Therefore, by all standards, focusing on employee productivity will correlate with the organization’s output. Here are three ways to help your business improve its results.

1. Employee Engagement and Morale

Studies indicate that the key to making employees work productively has more to do with happiness than money. As it turns out, happy people are about 12 percent more productive. Furthermore, those in sales that are happy with their jobs improve closing rates by more than 37 percent.

But, how can a business make employees happy? The answer to this is not trivial. It requires an organizational culture that aligns with the goals and desires of everyone that is part of the company. As previously noted, it is not necessarily financial. Reward health and wellness to create a happy and productive workforce. When employees feel valued and supported in their physical and mental well-being, they are more likely to be motivated. Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be heard and valued. These elements are essential to productivity.

Therefore, implement incentives that align with these concepts. Furthermore, work on organizational culture. These are what people do and feel and not what a company writes in their vision and mission statements. Meaning, if a company works on an open-door policy where workers can feel safe sharing ideas, make sure that they are heard and respected. Otherwise, the culture will suffer.

2. Productivity Tools

The old saying that what cannot be measured cannot be managed applies to productivity as well. Therefore, look for tools that can help track and measure tasks. These should include objectives and assignment completions that cover time and work completion percentage.

The available tools are not necessarily expensive. They can range from simple spreadsheets to full-fledged productivity management suites. Furthermore, go beyond just tracking what employees do. Ask yourself why they are doing it. Is this something essential to the core of your business? A company of any size can increase productivity by outsourcing non-core tasks. Luckily, information about finding productivity tools and software for your business is abundant online. You can check ERP requirements here or look for supply chain management checklists to see which software solution best fits your needs.

For example, if your business is not in the IT industry and is having a hard time with technical aspects, retaining an IT support service can increase productivity given that it will help decrease downtime caused by technological issues. Look to different functional units of the business and analyze them objectively and creatively. Sometimes, productivity is more about tweaking and adjusting than completely revamping. Success is in the small details.

3. Investment in Organizational Assets

When thinking about organizational assets, the easy path is to think of tools and technology. It is true that productivity can be gained by improving the tools that a business uses in daily operations.

For example, older contact centers may be using outdated software that does not capture the full data scope of the company. Therefore, looking into newer technologies like Zendesk call center integration software will produce results. Nevertheless, employees are the most important organizational assets.

People are what defines a business. Therefore, invest and take care of your workforce and they will invest and take care of your customers. These investments are as trivial as having regular meetings to thank them for developing training and career improvements programs.

Regardless of what the business adopts, make sure to understand what employees value and specifically target these areas. Customers are sure to note the difference and will repay with loyalty.

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