Why Should A Startup Invest In Mobile App Development

Did You Know!

  • The mobile revolution is setting the new paradigm for the way we live.
  • The online vision that started in back 2000 is again transforming.
  • According to analytics and surveys, mobile play the part for 65% of digital media time.
  • The best software development company among the flooded options are turning digital devices into a secondary base touchpoint to meet the demands of ever-increasing users.

Nowadays, online businesses are going mobile.

And, why not?

It is predicted by 2020, mobile apps are expected to generate a whopping revenue of $ 581.9 billion through app stores – Apple app store or Google play store. Moreover, as mobile has brought the world in the palms of the user and with just one touch you get delivered with the required information within seconds.

So, if you thought mobile applications are for business Big’B’s or multi-national companies, it’s time to think again.

Mobile provides an easy way to connect with users across the globe. And, having a mobile app proves to be a healthy investment for your startup. After all, apps are too difficult to ignore.

Consequently, if you want to get your mobile app development for startup done by professionals, start with your Free Project Estimation.

And, still sitting on the fence of “WHY”?

Continue reading the top reasons to have a comprehensive understanding of why investing in mobile app reaps benefits.

Tip 1. Mobile – Everywhere To Everything

Gone are the days when mobile were used for calling or texting. Now, is the time when everything can be done with the mobile from anywhere.

Smartphones have gone beyond our capabilities and utilization beyond our expectations. Hire mobile app developer, share your idea and see it turning into a reality.

Your potential mobile app can give you access to the billions of users who are waiting for an entrusted and viable mobile app.

Tip 2. Ready To Go Marketing

A mobile application is the only platform that provides you with the facility to promote your business, services, and products to the clients from anywhere and anytime.

Invest in mobile apps and make your business reachable to a bigger audience. The users are more likely to make a purchase through a mobile app.

Tip 3. A Personal Touch

The Mobile phone is an essential part of everyone – toddler to a senior citizen. People are always in the reach of their phones, carry them around always and rely on the various apps to accomplish their daily tasks.

So, if your app is on the mobile screens of your targeted audience, there are chances it will be opened more frequently, visited regularly depending on your services.

Tip 4. It Builds Brand Reputation

The decision of aligning with the best offshore software app development company in India or hire the best developer plays a crucial role in crafting your brand awareness.

Having your business mobile app makes you look as a customer-centric company in the market. Your app points towards the metric of customer satisfaction and the value you give to their needs and comfort.

Tip 5. Social Networking – The New Platform

Social Networking and business!

It seems two far ends but the way you use it, your mobile app can be much more than a tool to sell your product and services.

Today everything reaches first on social media. So, adding your business on social media can act as an upthrust for your business. The mobile app for small business reaps heaps of benefit through socializing.

  • Interaction with the users made an easy and hassle-free process.
  • You can add more features like – comment, like, and sharing to your mobile app.

Tip 6. Enhanced Sales & Service Quality

As discussed above, the mobile revolution is re-inventing the buying and selling process in the global market. As more buyers prefer to shop online or through their mobile phones, it is easier to provide top-notch services to the clients through trusted mobile apps.

The customer has a myriad option to browse through, compare similar items, and analyze the item or service before making a purchase order.

Tip 7. In-Built GPS Features

Is GPS tracking made for health-related apps?

No, with the location tracking feature available in your smartphones, it is made easy for the business owner to trace the location of the user and proffer informed services and promotions accordingly.

This feature is an added advantage to service-based businesses like – health and beauty, food, luxury, movies, taxis service, and the list goes on. So, make sure to tell your partner software development company to include this feature in the mobile app.

Tip 8. Up-Surged Market Value

The market value of your business and the success rate of your business rise exponentially when you invest in a mobile app.

According to the latest research, the mobile app industry is predicted to grow 270% counting to $189 billion by 2020.

So, why still waiting?

People nowadays search for any app that they can even find remotely amazing. This approach directly promotes the chances of your business getting more clients and conversion rates. 

Tip 9. Streamlined & Easy Mobile Payments

One of the best benefits of a mobile app for small business is that you can accept payments for your service or products from anywhere and anytime.

Quite interesting, right?

The user can easily make the payment from any nook of the globe while using their credit/debit cards, online banking feature, and many other ways within the app. It also promotes cashless transactions thus making the app a reliable approach among the users and market.

Tip 10. Real-Time Data Analysis

A mobile app is made up of as many exclusive features as you can think. The real-time tracking and evaluation feature of the mobile app let you clutch and analyze user activity data and make the proper decision in real-time.

Businesses are able to deliver customized content such as discount coupons, offers, deals, suggestions to sole customers based on their search history.

Tip 11. An Alluring Outlook

If you have a mobile version or a robust website for your business, it stands far behind in the performance and outlook in comparison to the exclusive mobile app development.

Websites are not to suit a small screen.

Tip 12. An Easy Fit In Your Pocket

The mobile app for small business costs much lower than creating a special app for a dedicated website.

Still, if it costs you few dollars to develop a dedicated mobile app for your business, the profitability ratio is beyond comparison. Besides, a well-developed app doesn’t need frequent changes or version updates, so the cost will repay.

Tip 13. Staying In Touch Always

Developing an app is the best way for any business to stay connected with their customers irrespective of the time-zones. As you know, an app can accustom various options like chat, feedback, forum, the business blog, etc to help users and individuals designated at managerial levels in companies have communication with each other.

This helps in building a good reputation and trust among the customers.

Tip 14. Keep In Touch – App Notification

With the launch of your mobile app, you can approach direct marketing to the consumers. You can send the notifications of the upcoming event, offers and discounts, new product launch, and a lot more.

Relying on the best yet cheap mobile app development company will help you stay connected with the users with regular logins, updates, notifications. These notifications compel the user to visit the app again and again.

Tip 15. Financial Benefits

Keeping aside the business growth, you can also earn money in different ways with your mobile app. You can display various ads on your app for which you will be paid a good amount depending upon the popularity of your app.

You can also offer a paid version of your app developed that will include additional features for the user. 

Tip 16. A Reach To Next Generation

Watching the latest trends, the next generation of consumers will be solely dependent on mobile to accomplish their daily tasks. Therefore, if you want to survive in the market, you need to focus on providing a dedicated yet inquisitive app to modern consumers.

Of course nobody likes to visit bulky, slow-loading websites of the businesses when they have the option to use mobile apps that are dynamic, robust, and effective.

Tip 17. No More Tied To Apron String’s

Mobile apps are more frequently used and visited in comparison to mobile and desktop websites. Billions of people in the world have access to the world through mobile and perform their daily tasks with a touch on the phone.

So, if you want to increase your business reach to all those people, ensure to hire an app developer that will help you develop a dedicated mobile app targeting your audience.

Tip 18. Target A Larger Audience

A well-designed mobile app holds the potential to accelerate user interest whether the product is good or service is the best or not.

Must be thinking “Why”?

Simply because the user starts to evaluate the services or product of the quality of service with the outlook of the mobile app. Thus, aligning with the best choice in your region or with the best offshore software development company in India makes you improve your business service matching the pace of your app.

Tip 19. A Boon For Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is vital for any business, product, or service sales. Whatever product or service you will be offering, you want to make sure you engage well with your customers and even customers can easily reach you with their queries and concerns, or ask for demos.

So, inculcating a real-time chat, help-desk or location targeted advertisement features can surely make your mobile app do this. Moreover, this approach eliminates the need for unwanted meetings or calls.    

Tip 20. A Boost In Revenue

What is the ultimate goal of your business?

Generate revenue!

And, what else can be the best than mobile app development for startup. With the right software development company, you can design your mobile application that is alluring yet easy to use for the user. No more hassling with different pages within the website or complex navigation. This approach helps in converting which results in increased revenue for the business.

Tip 21. An Added On: Offline Access

Another added benefit of having a mobile app for startups is for the users. The users can access the app’s static content and information without an internet connection.

Nevertheless, the user won’t be able to make any dynamic task like a transaction or anything that requires an internet connection. But, swapping with the content available helps you make a better choice.

Tip 22. Access To Phone’s Storage

The mobile app for your business also provides limited access to the user’s phone storage such that it automatically saves downloaded files, documents, etc to the storage and access information as permitted by the user.

This is beneficial for many types of application that needs permission to access the phone storage and other settings to work seamlessly.

Tip 23. A Better Choice: Mobile App vs Mobile Website

In most of the cases, a mobile version of your website or a robust mobile site is enough to entertain the users on mobile.

But, is that enough?

Nowadays, a mobile app is one of the tried-&-tested approaches to manifold the revenue generated from mobile and give an unforgettable experience to app users. So, consider investing in a mobile app with the right service to hire a mobile app developer.

Don’t forget, mobile app development is the latest technology trend that you need to implement importantly if you wish to lead the graph and manage your market reputation.

Tip 24. A Competitive Edge In The Market

Mobile app development for startups is still a rare sight for SME’s and entrepreneurs in the global market. But, if you have one for yourself, you are a leap ahead of your competitors.

Let’s take an instance, how about being the forerunner in your neighborhood to offer a mobile app to your clients to book an appointment, or order food at your doorstep.

You will be amazed to see your customers appreciate your futuristic approach.

Tip 25. Maximized ROI

Above all, one of the biggest reasons startups keep away from a mobile app is the initial cost to invest in the mobile app. And, if you feel surrounded by clouds of skepticism when it comes to the cost involved, it is foremost to understand that not investing in the mobile app can work against your business in the long run.

At first, mobile app development cost might seem a perplexing investment but its ROI (Rate Of Interest) bring branding values and opportunity to generate additional sales.

Tip 26. Don’t Forget To Test The Water

If you still hadn’t made your mind, whether to plunge or evaluate worth the value cost, consider launching an app with primary features and get assured of their pilot variant.

Pay attention to the user’s feedback and add on the features recommended.

In The End… This is not the whole. There are a lot of other numerous benefits of mobile app development for startups. Whether you are a coffee-shop, salon or a supermarket, it’s the right time to take your business to a new level.

Curious to know more about the benefits of a mobile app for beginners and how much will it cost to have an app?

Get your Free Project Estimation with Xicom and stay ahead of your competitors in the market. Grab the best service to hire mobile app developers to turn your startup idea into reality.



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