Top 5 Apps to Digitize Business Support Process

Digitization means the use of a computerized system. For business support process automated system advances the manual working method and transform those into a digital process. Digitizing business support process helps enterprises to grow and ensuring increased productivity and efficiency.

Simple CRM

Customer is considered as the king for any business. In the competitive business world, maintaining a better relationship with the customer works fantastic for growing business. For maintaining a relationship with the customer, a CRM system is a must-have app for any customer-centric company. For example, Simple CRM facilitates business development team to create customer contact against the individual account to understand their requirement, logging the issue raises by customers, details of dealings, and tasks. It eliminates the dependency of any particular employee showing all communication with a specific customer.

Personnel Database

Without human resources, no organization can operate any of their business. That’s why employees are considered as the live assets of enterprises. Employees of the organization work together to achieve their common goal, and they need to contact their colleagues for any business need. Personnel database is the app to record demographic data, contact details, emergency contact details, and preferences of an employee. All employees can see the general information of their colleagues, but the administrator can control the user permission always. It increases the sincerity among the employees and helps departmental head or HR manager to face an emergency.

Expense Tracker

Operating a business is a matter of several types of expenses. Most of the time daily or administrative costs being overlooked and causes massive loss from spending higher than necessary. Expense Tracker records every single head in expenditures that raises accountability. Management can have an overview of the expenses also with different analytics that helps to control the costs. Because expenses can directly impact on the profit and loss statement.

Fleet Manager

A distribution-based business always faces the challenges with its delivery for the mismanagement of delivery vans. A fleet management app is the best solution for those businesses. For example, Fleet Manager app facilitates the enterprises to assign tasks, scheduling maintenance, tracking locations, logging fuel, and recording driver’s information. It smoothens the delivery process ensuring maximum leverage of the resources.

Visitor Track

Every day many visitors need to visit your office for business purpose. They might be suppliers, buyers, distributors, field level employees, or any business delicate. To manage these visitors, an enterprise should arrange necessary facilities like registering and maintaining a log book for entry or exit. Visitor Track replaces these manual processes of visitor management and featuring some fantastic options like biometric identification, digital badge for visitors, and email notifications. It eliminates the use of papers, stationery and reduces administrative cost. Finally, the built-in biometric identification system ensures the maximum security of office premises.

The apps mentioned above helps to digitize the business support process easing the manual working process. All of these apps are available for web and mobile apps that accelerated the working process on-the-go also. What are you thinking about now? Is it feasible for your business to digitize the process? The SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) based pricing model allows the small and medium enterprises to avail to implement these apps for their business. So, what are you waiting for? Sketch your requirement and digitize your business process with Office Automation Apps.

Author Bio: Brian Arthur

Digital Marketing Analyst of M2SYS Technology and blogger who loves to know and share the use, impact, and prospects of digital transformation.

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