Seven Training Programs That Can Help You Secure a Job

If you want to land a job you like, sure, the best thing is to pursue higher education or degree program in it, such as an MBA. However, there is no question that degree programs can get a lot expensive, and in some cases land in you a lot of debt. Not to mention, undergrad and master’s degree programs take years to complete.

Fortunately, there is an alternative route you can take to secure well-paying jobs, and that is throughout certification or different training programs. Certification programs are not long-term, and will at maximum, take you no more than a couple of months to complete the training. However, the most significant benefit of these programs is the fact that certifications do not cost anywhere near a degree program.

Certificate programs are great when you talk about quickly acquiring the necessary skills, education, and experience for a specific type of job. And fortunately for you, there are certification programs for almost all types of industries. For example, education, IT, healthcare, Big Data, management, finance, accounting, etc.

Training programs can be abundantly advantageous for job seekers who do not have enough experience and for people who do have the necessary amount of experience, yet want to further their skill sets. Moreover, these training programs can also help people switch jobs mid-career, giving you the opportunity to shift industries in order to acquire more lucrative and personally gratifying jobs. So, it is essential first to select the right certificate program to propel yourself towards a well-paying and successful career.

Some tips for searching for the right training programs for your professional growth

Get in touch with your contacts

Nothing is better than discussing career moves and changes with your peers or your essentials. It is crucial to get hold of professionals in your line of work as well as the industry as a whole. Talk to them about the types of certification programs you should pursue to further your career goals.

A good way is to arrange for quick yet relevant interviews, asking your contacts what types of training programs, for example, trade schools in Ohio, you should pursue.

Have a discussion with your current employer

Another very productive way of finding out what certificate or training programs suits your professional requirements is to have a friendly, long chat with your boss. Tell him that you want to move up the ladder, acquire more skills and more responsibilities.

Ask your employer what types of certificate programs can help you advance in your career in your current industry – or can potentially land you in a spot for a promotion! Moreover, do not forget to check whether or not your company fully or partially funds training and/or certificate programs it if is in line with your job description.

7 Training/certificate programs that will help you land a job

Certificate and training for Google IT support professional

This is a specialization certificate program developed by the tech giant itself. The training program is specifically made for non-experienced, entry-level people who wish to learn and acquire experience in IT support. The certification program comes with a variety of top-notch lectures (videos), a mix of different quizzes, streamlined widgets, and labs, along with other online learning materials.

The main aim of the program is to help you become good at troubleshooting all sort of right customer support complications, networking, OS, system administration, and IT security.

Make your dream career

Create Your Dream Career is a comprehensive training program where you will be allowed to gauge how your personality, the types of choices you make and the type of lifestyle you have can help guide towards a career better suited to you.

Certificate program for IBM data science professional

This program encompasses a broad spectrum of individual courses that help you gradually build an impressive portfolio of data science projects. In turn, you will learn the dynamics of the data science industry and become more skilled in data analysis and evaluation for critical industries. Upon completing the course, IBM will issue a digital badge for you.

Certification for Microsoft Excel professional

This training program is best suited to an individual who wants to increase their proficiency and speed at performing advanced MS Excel functionalities using different tools and formulas. The course will focus on steadily building your skills from the ground up, taking you from beginner to intermediate and advanced mastery of Excel.

Training program for success specialization

When it comes to staying up to date with current employment trends and the employee skills required adapting to the current dynamics of today’s job market, this certification program can take you to new heights in your career. This training program is purely a specialization that aims at helping you hone and focuses your organizational skills, learn new skills and apply to those skills within your workplace.

Excel certification for advanced business specialization

There is no doubt, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are and forever will be the most vital and fundamental aspects of modern digital skills today. The software, from the day it was created, and until this day, is highly ubiquitous and is used in a majority of different types of businesses and industries, especially when you talk about the finance and accounting sector. The certificate program will help you develop specialized skills in Excel spreadsheet to help you further your employability portfolio.

Certificate program for learning business analysis fundamentals

Learning the most fundamental and critical concepts of business analysis will help you build a better portfolio, and a unique skill set for jobs as a business development manager (BDM) or a business analysis job. This course is terrific for people who are new to the field and those who aspire to become fast and efficient performers in this sector.

So there you go – a list of certificate and training programs you can opt for if you are looking to land a well-paying job or to advance in your current one.

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