Need Clients? 12 Ways on How to Attract Big Clients to Your Law Firm

Creating your law firm's reputation online can be a tiresome and lengthy process. You also need to put in your best efforts as well.

Creating your law firm’s reputation online can be a tiresome and lengthy process. You also need to put in your best efforts as well.

Also, a lot of lawyers find themselves wasting their time and effort on using the wrong strategies. Worse ‒ they don’t connect with their clients in an authentic level.

So how are you going to get more (and more prominent) clients and do what you’re set to do?

In this post, we’ll talk about the twelve ways on how to attract big clients for your firm.

1. Take advantage of free law firm marketing options

Before spending a lot of cash on marketing, you need to take advantage of the open marketing opportunities out there.

For instance, you can claim your free Google listing. Afterward, complete all the information that’s required in your Google My Business profile.

Google will use the information that you gave in your profile to show your listing to people that are searching locally in your area.

2. Position yourself as a thought leader

The content that you create, (whether its creating videos in your site, weekly blog posts and monthly newsletters) will depend on your target audience.

A great way to generate interest and engagement from people is utilizing live webinars, Facebook Live sessions, and compelling videos. In videos, you can address questions about a specific legal topic ‒ something that you receive the most inquiries about. Alternatively, you can solve a legal issue and cover it on social media.

You can also encourage previous clients to make a review of your firm on social media, online directories, or Google.

Moreover, create blogs that cover a variety of topics so that you can connect people in your site. Then, combine that with excellent search engine optimization, so that you’ll be on top of search results.

3. Create educational content and promote it in the right places

The law industry is becoming more and more competitive. In fact, according to the American Bar Association, there are 1.3 million lawyers in the US alone.

So, for you to stand out from the rest of the pack, you need to write informative and timely articles on your website and share them on your social media pages.

When it comes to having a successful law firm website, the most vital element is your content. Get your content right, and everything will fall entirely into place.

Once you’ve already had a strong base of high-quality, written content, look for other forms of content as well.

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Whitepapers

Then, make sure that you share them on the right social media channels. For instance, some law firms find immediate results on LinkedIn. But see what social media platform works best for you.

4. Build meaningful relationships with clients

You can make money out of cases. But for you to build a career, profitable and long one, you have to build relationships.

Here’s the thing, your firm is more than just buying a couple of online ads and praying that clients find you. You have to spend time building actual relationships.

Also, ensuring that your existing client base is happy is a surefire way to encourage repeat business.

Exhibit your value by doing an excellent job in your cases. Go the extra mile if you have to. Show your clients that all your efforts have saved them the money and grief. Offering something like a legal translation service for your foreign clients adds value and shows you’re willing to invest to make them satisfied. 

5. Focus on securing referrals

A lot of lawyers get their existing client base on referrals, and it’s a beautiful thing. However, it doesn’t just happen on its own. Those that get glowing referrals are those the cultivated them.

One of the most efficient ways to get referral sources is to have a blog online. To maximize the marketing impact, curate high-quality content regularly. Other ways to gain referrals is to speak at a local event, teach, do guest on a radio talk, host webinars, and so on.

6. Take steps to multiply your referrals

Know where the best group where your referrals come from and focus on them. As we said earlier, take time to cultivate meaningful relationships with them.

Ensure that you’re open to helping these clients. Remember that a lot of people are seeking lawyers that are just not after your expertise ‒ they want someone to handle their needs as well.

Don’t forget to reach out, thank them, and encourage them. Not only that leads will keep on coming, but they’ll also multiply as well.

7. Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth

Word of mouth is the most powerful advertisement. It’s one of the biggest compliments as well. Despite this highly digital age, most lawyers get a significant portion of their clients through word of mouth.

Your previous clients are also the best source for getting new clients. So, make sure that you deliver an excellent job.

8. Prioritize online reviews

92 percent of clients read online reviews first before finding a lawyer. Of course, clients can’t give you a review if you don’t have a presence in big review sites like Facebook, Google My Business, Avvo, and Yelp.

An easy way for you to encourage clients to leave online reviews is to present them with a lot of opportunities and reminders. In your website, newsletter, or on social media, include a message telling people how much you value their feedback by leaving a review for you.

In the event of having a bad review online, minimize the damage by acknowledging it and apologize if necessary. If you can, make an effort to discuss and rectify the situation.

9. Claim your presence online

Establishing a strong presence online is already a given. But it shouldn’t stop there. Build a good reputation by participating or sponsoring local community events and organizations.

Network with the community, and adopt a more positive approach.

10. Create a quality website

In this day and age, there’s no doubt that the best leads come from your website. Ideally, your site should have a unique and aesthetic appeal. Also, focus on the quality of the user experience and the depth of the content that you publish.

You should infuse elements in a way that it represents your law firm, it’s credibility and achievements. Mobile usage is on the rise as well, so aim for a mobile-optimized site.

It also helps that you work with the best mobile advertising agencies out there. 

To know whether your site is mobile-friendly or not, take Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

11. Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization helps draw traffic on your website. It’s easier for people to look you up in search engines like Google.

If a prospect is looking for information or legal advice, a website that’s SEO optimized will bring clients on your firm’s website.

12. Get onto social media

Social media allow you to establish meaningful connections in different social media channels.

So, expand your reach through different social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

By doing so, you can boost your contacts, and cultivate a strong web presence in the long run.

Over to You

The key to developing a thriving law practice is to be excellent in what you do and having the right strategy in place. By following these tips, you’ll be able to draw in new and repeat clients in the long run and maintain a successful law practice for years to come.


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