How to Increase Mobile App Downloads Quickly

UI Developers

You just got a mobile app idea and you have developed an app after months of brainstorming with the mobile app development agency. The app is live now on both the platforms Android and iOS. However, the download numbers are not what you have anticipated earlier. There are total 2.1M and 2M apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. In such strong competition, if you want to stand ahead to your competitors, you need to take some steps that give you a competitive edge over others.

There might be many reasons why your app is not downloaded by the users. You might have the best UI developers who have built a great app, but still, there are some other factors where your app is lacking. User acquisition is a very tricky thing and being an app marketer, you need to ensure that you take all possible steps to increase your app downloads.

In this article, we will discuss some of the strategies to improve the number of downloads for mobile apps.

App store optimization is important

What is the use of making an app that excels in all the departments when it does not show up in the list of the app store when a relevant keyword is typed by the users? If you don’t have an app store optimization strategy, make one to influence downloads. It is a long term strategy that offers some best fruits in the end.

It is not just about metadata, keywords, ratings, descriptions and reviews, ASO is more than that. For each category, you need to make a list of keywords that rank in the app store. Hire an agency that offers the best app store optimization services to make a difference.

Take care of different metrics such as keyword ranking, app store impressions, no. of downloads and others to track your success.

Interface Illustration

If you don’t know the term, you can ask your UI developers. Interface Illustrations are custom graphics that are used to showcase UI app design possibilities for web and mobile interfaces and believe me, it plays a huge role when it comes to user engagement and preferences.

Why interface illustrations work?

Users prefer images over text when it comes to conveying the message. They will understand the message fast when it is in the form of an illustrative image. It is an effective technique to use over text cluttering.

Furthermore, it also adds emotions and feeling to the overall concept of the app. It improves the user experience and makes it more personal. Visual metaphors are more effective and are remembered by the users for a long period of time than other types of tricks. UI developers and designers can come up with beautiful artworks to convey messages and it will surely improve the overall experience.

Colour Contrast

When it comes to improving the user experience, you need to offer a visually appealing experience to users and with the use and carefully designed app, it is possible. Colour contrast is a trend that can work in your favour as it changes the whole perspective of the experience and makes it more pleasant and engaging. With the help of different colour mixtures and selections, the overall effectiveness of the app improves to a great extent. One such technique is split screen design that is widely used by the UI developers to make a visually tempting app. In this technique, developers use the duality option to separate various interactive zones.

Encourage User Reviews:

Just getting a place in the app ratings is not enough. Once the user looks at your app, you need to convince him to download the app. In a short span of time, you need to convince them that the app is useful and reliable and will add value to his life. How can you do that? Here, reviews can serve the core purpose.

As per the survey by Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising Survey, people believe more in word-of-mouth advertising such as user reviews compared to other types of advertisings. It speaks a lot.

How to convince users to post reviews for your app? Sometimes, users share their views about the app without any efforts from the app marketers. However, sometimes, some motivation is needed. In-app messages are one method to ask for reviews. But, you should ensure that you don’t send too many messages to the users that might interrupt their app experience.

Users will read reviews for sure. They will come to know about the relevance of the app and whether the app can add some value to their lives or not. Sometimes, you might also get some suggestions and complaints too. Take them positively and work on them to improve the experience.

Also, reply to each and every review. Show them your gratitude for downloading and using the app. First-time users notice your replies and form an opinion on your professional practices too. Some of the metrics that you need to track are a number of total reviews, top reviews and negative reviews.

Crashing of the app is not good

If your app has some errors and it crashes more often, there are more chances that users, even your most loyal users will uninstall your app. It is better to test your app from time to time to identify possible issues. Ask your designers and UI developers to fix the issues as soon as possible to offer the best experience to the users.

At regular intervals, come up with a new, advanced version of the app that has an attractive visual appeal and sound features and functionalities. Add some more features if you want to. Check out metrics such as retention rate and crash rate to keep an eye on app crashing issues.


You must have read articles and blogs warning UI developers not to clutter the app so much. Well, even in 2019, it is relevant. Cluttered apps with so many texts and images might make users disinterested in the app and it also confuses them too. Minimalism is the answer to the problem. Make sure that the app is simple and has a minimalistic design approach that offers an excellent user experience. Easy-to-use apps are more downloaded than cluttered apps even if the later one has advanced features.

When it comes to colours, UI developers need to ensure that they use one colour and its various shades throughout the app to make the impact solid and relevant.

Ask for referrals

If your users vow for your app’s reliability and quality, it surely matters a lot to other users. Here, your actual users are your ambassadors who will speak on behalf of you. However, they themselves will not do that, you have to give some incentives or lucrative offers to them to refer your app to their social or professional networks. Come up with a plan to lure these users for referrals.

It is a sure-shot strategy to increase your app downloads that never fails. All you need is a superior strategy and that is all.

Invest in content

Content is the king is a cliché line, but one of the most relevant lines in the digital world. With compelling content, you can promote your app to reach out to your target audience very easily. Invest some money on content writers and designers who can come up with relevant articles, blogs, infographics and videos to promote your app in the best possible manner.

Also, you need to share the content to different social media platforms for a much larger impact. Also, you can use videos, screenshots and other types of visual content on your app store page too. Users would love to check them out when they visit your page.

Use social media platforms

Today, if your business is not using social media platforms, you are not in the game at all. Even giant companies such as Google and Apple too use social media platforms for promotion and advertising purposes. You need to use them and that too wisely to get superlative benefits.

There are various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others where you can open your professional accounts and post and share content. You can also engage with your users directly on social media platforms. With different paid and organic campaigns, you can create app awareness and address multiple issues simultaneously. It is the biggest tool you can use to reach out to your target audience. Ensure that you come up with a strategy that is relevant and meaningful.

Use of advanced technologies

There is a wide range of technologies coming up and can be used to improve the user interface and user experience. Some of these technologies are augmented reality, virtual reality, Biometrical Authorization, artificial intelligence and many more. By incorporating these technologies in the app might be a subject of discussions, but if you find it user-friendly, you should definitely go with the flow. You are offering something that no other service provider offers and it will be your core strength.


Keep a sharp eye on different metrics to monitor various aspects of a mobile app. There are various factors that might increase or decrease your app downloads. Test the app thoroughly from time to time to check out various aspects such as user interface, user experience, app features and functionalities, loading time, visual impact and others. It will help UI developers to make necessary changes in the app and to come up with a better, more advanced app version.

About Author: I’m Krunal Vyas, IT consultant at iQlance Solutions Pvt. Ltd, is one of the leading Website and Apps Development Company in Toronto & New York, I have helped more than 200+ clients to bring idea in to reality. I have attended many tech conferences as a company representative and frequently blogs about the search engine updates, technology roll-outs, sales & marketing tactics, etc. for more details visit our website : and Email us on : [email protected]

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