8 Facebook Advertising Hacks Every Business Should Know

If your business is on Facebook, chances are you’ve already dabbled with Facebook Ads at least once. Facebook Ads are undoubtedly very common nowadays, with plenty of businesses using this to promote their offerings.

Established brands even put a big chunk of their advertising budgets, partnering with top Facebook advertising agencies just to ensure they get the best results. But getting desirable results can be tricky for most.

Using Facebook Ads can be too costly for some. But as long as you can run effective campaigns, you’re sure to reap the benefits and enjoy a better business performance.

If you’re planning to hack Facebook Ads to market your business effectively, there are a few tips and tricks you can try yourself. Take a look at the eight Facebook Advertising hacks below and see how your business can find its way to success on social media.

Spy on Your Competitors’ Facebook Ads

In today’s day and age, originality is very hard to come by. For creators to effectively create, they usually find inspirations to mimic and take cues from. This can be true as well when running Facebook Ads.

By having a look at what your competitors are doing, you’ll be able to identify strong ideas in which you can adapt or refine ideas that don’t seem to work. Doing this is easy, and you don’t need to use other platforms than Facebook itself.

Step 1: Go to your competitor’s Facebook Page

Step 2: Look for Page Transparency on the right-hand side and click See More

Step 3: Find Ads From This Page and click on Go to Ad Library

You can do this for each of your competitors to see who is most aggressive. Once you see all their ads, you can take cues regarding the type of creatives they use, how they write their ad copies, as well as filter their ads based on location, impressions, and ad platforms.

This hack is one of the easiest, yet oddly enough, not all marketers are aware of this trick! Give it a try the next time you perform a competitor review and see how you can match their ads.

Run Facebook Messenger Ads

In case you’re still not aware, Facebook Messenger Ads is a real thing, and it’s driving marketers insane – in a good way.

Ads within Facebook Messenger are relatively cheaper and are more effective if it’s properly set up. With Messenger Ads, you can achieve two or more goals on a single customer interaction, which would essentially take a bit of more steps in other scenarios.

Your target customers will be able to find your ads directly inside their Messenger App, where most direct interactions happen.

This will allow them to communicate with your business directly, where you can either push for purchase, have them see product details about your product, or even collect contact information.

Some businesses even create chatbots to allow customers to interact with their business at any time of the day.

If you’re already running Facebook Ads using Business Manager, setting up Messenger Ads can be rather easy. You can even use your company’s existing advertisement materials to do so. 

Write Headlines That Drive Clicks

Depending on how a target customer uses their Facebook account, their Newsfeed can rather be too cluttered. And with so many ads competing for their time and attention, it’s very important to utilize the best headlines to stand out.

About 80% of users don’t even get past headlines when looking at ads. This should motivate you to put effort into writing your Facebook Ads headlines.

Don’t Include a Call-to-Action

Marketers and business owners who are rather familiar with advertising may cringe at this hack, but it makes sense.

One of the most basic characteristics of any advertisement would be a call-to-action. While this works well on other platforms, rules are hugely different on Facebook. 

By not putting a clear call-to-action on your ads, you allow your ads to appear like native content on Facebook. When paired with a catchy headline and a motivating copy, it even becomes more effective as it can stir people’s curiosity and lead them to find out more about your ad.

This will eventually compel them to click or engage with your advertisement.

Use Emojis

In the name of attention-grabbing and standing out from the clutter, it’s important to utilize techniques that allow your ads to be an eye-catcher. Using emojis is just one of them.

If your target market belongs in an age bracket younger than the millennial generation, using emojis could even be considered a prerequisite to making your ads more effective.

But why should this work?

Let’s not forget that even if Facebook attempts to become everything, it is still, after all, a social media platform. Just like other social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, most of your audience would probably be on Facebook to check on their friend’s updates, stalk their exes, or just merely watch cat videos.

Use Social Proof

Have you ever decided between two new food kiosks based on how long the line is? If you have, then you can say that social proof has, somehow, influenced your decision.

By choosing the longer line, your brain might have assumed that their product is much better due to higher demand. This is the same way in Facebook Ads.

You can apply this phenomenon on your Facebook Ads by featuring social proofs on your ad materials. With social proof, you allow new users to find credibility with your business instantly.

Testimonials are one of the best ways to show social proof. Leverage user-generated feedback and use it to your advantage.

Add Text in Facebook Video Ads

Doing this might seem too simple, but surprisingly, it’s simplicity seems to be making advertisers think it’s something they can just pass upon.

According to Facebook’s research, 80% of users react negatively to video content they didn’t anticipate to see.

By adding some text on your video ads, you can give your viewers a hint of what they are about to see, making your audience more likely to react in a positive light, which can greatly affect your conversion rate.

Refresh Your Ads

Facebook Ads can be created in such a way that it can be seen multiple times by your audience. While there is confusion on what is the most optimum frequency to show ads, one thing is sure: You don’t want to irritate your audience by showing them the same advertisement over and over again.

Make multiple ad creatives for you to reach the same customers without showing them the same thing repetitively. This could even be an opportunity for you to increase the ad space for your target audience, allowing you to share more information.

You can apply all these hacks on your Facebook Ads, but always remember that you still know your market better than any guide. Always practice your own better judgment to know which tips would work well with your audience and bring the best results. Try to mix and match each tip to see what can decrease your ad costs and increase your conversion at the same time.

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