7 Ways To Enhance Your Website In 2019

Your website is the focal point of your online marketing campaign and everything that surrounds the process of branding. With escalating competition and shifting consumer demands, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the brand website is as perfect as possible. The purpose of the website is to generate sales and engage customers, and the design and interface play a dominant role in that. One of the foremost steps in that regard is to hire web design services, and additionally, we bring seven ways to enhance the performance of your website in 2019.

Consider redesigning the website – If your website is more than 3 years old, redesigning might be the way to go. Talk to a known web development company and get their inputs on the theme and what needs to be redone to add more appeal to the design. A redesigned website, provided done right, can feel really different and unique and can reinvigorate interest in the brand.

  1. Go mobile – Websites that are not responsive for all screen sizes will suffer in 2019. Google is more focused on mobile audience, and more than 50% of all internet searches are initiated on a mobile device. Make sure that your website is tested for screen sizes and has a good feedback on all browsers.
  2. Remove the unwanted elements – On an average, a regular user doesn’t spend more than 10 seconds on a website, so you can only expect to retain customers for that long. Ensure that your website is optimized. Avoid complicated animations, graphics, and design elements, and all contents should be short and crisp.
  3. Include social media buttons – Social media, PPC and SEO go hand in hand, and the more mentions your brand finds on social media, the better it is. Make sure that contents and other details on your website are sharable with others. You want to be absolutely sure that the social media buttons are as prominent as possible.
  4. Use all original images – Gone are times when you could pick stock images from Google and use it on your website. Now, you either have to buy images from the right store, or have to get photos clicked, which can be used on the website and for other online marketing needs. Originality counts for the audience.
  5. Focus on navigation– It is also necessary to focus on navigation, which is all about creating an interface, where the audience can find and access the part of the website they want to. Navigation is critical for two reasons. Firstly, it enhances user experience, and secondly, it makes it easy for search engine spiders to crawl content and information.
  6. Don’t miss SEO – If you want to enhance the performance of your website, you must focus on SEO and build a strong digital strategy for your brand. There are no two ways about it, because without SEO, especially on-page SEO aspects, your website will not be discoverable. To feature on search results organically is the key to branding.

Other aspects to know

If you are rethinking the design, make sure that you hire a reliable and well-known web development company. Many agencies also offer a full-stack of digital marketing services, and that could be really handy, because you can hire the same team to handle web design, SEO and other marketing needs, for a budget. The process of enhancing a website starts with evaluation, so get a website audit done at least once in a year to know the aspects that must be fixed to improve user experience. Take your time to design a website and be critical about the design and related aspects.

About the author:

Tejas Maheta is the Founder of techiemates.com and a tech geek. Besides blogging he love reading books, Learning new things, and Hanging out with friends.

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